Piano keys

Call us today for a tuning or repair. 317.293.3410

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Whether you are looking to purchase a newly restored piano, or looking to have your own vintage piano refurbished inside and out, you can rely on the pride and craftsmanship of Barbara Martin Piano to give you an instrument that will provide years of enjoyment.

Call Debbie today at Barbara Martin Piano for a restoration estimate. 317.293.3410

Barbara Martin Piano now offers 100% wool, handmade and handcut Dawson String Covers for your piano.
Call Barbara Martin Piano today and talk to Debbie to order a Dawson String Cover for your piano. 317.293.3410 or email bmps@sbcglobal.net

Protect and store your piano
with Martin Piano for $75 a month. For more information call Debbie at Barbara Martin Piano. 317.293.3410 or e-mail bmps@sbcglobal.net

"Invest in the protection, life and joy of your piano today".





RESTORE | re store
verb [trans.]
The process of repairing or renovating a building, work of art, vehicle, etc., so as to restore it to its original condition: Barbara Martin Piano can restore your baby grand piano.

REBUILD | re build
v erb [trans.]
Build (something) again after it has been damaged or destroyed: rebuild your piano for years of enjoyment.

| re fur bish
verb [trans.]
Renovate and redecorate (something): refurbish your piano to protect your investment.

Piano inside felt  
Barbara Martin's daughter Debbie is an associate member of the Piano Technicians Guild. All of the tuners used by Barbara Martin Piano are members of or subscribe to the Piano Technicians Guild "Code of Ethics". You can expect, professional service, with clear and open communication on all aspects of the care and maintenance that your piano requires. Call today for a complete tuning or piano restoration. 317.293.3410 or mobile 317.292.0505

© 2007 Barabara Martin Piano


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